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Adrien Dusilence is a visual thinker who has developed his works alone and outside the influence of the artistic community.   Disconnected from the outside, he created his own universe that he defines as a turbulent search for the meaning of life, existence, why, and the self. This is translated into thousands of drawings that are only reflections on the human being confronted with himself and his place in a dehumanized world. The human is represented in each painting completely naked as if he had to leave this world to face death and the authenticity of things. The absence of clothes also symbolizes an absence of Cartesian intelligence. And through this absence of logic, we perceive in each drawing a microdose of truth. Outside of the lying reality in which we live.

Adrien Dusilence - Photo

Affected by a form of autism since a young age, drawing was his main means of communication. Today he uses his pencils to break through his bubble and share his view of the world with others.

"By living in my autistic bubble, I disconnected myself from the world to make a pact with silence: I sold my soul to paper"

Adrien Dusilence - Hand symbol AD

When I was a child I experienced a very tragic event, close to death, but which curiously allowed me to awaken a mystical and spiritual feeling in me, which has been embedded in my drawings to this day.

Currently, art is a real passion for me, or even a way of life. I spend a lot of time drawing, it gives meaning to my life.

Adrien Dusilence - Masks - Art - Gif

Dropping the masks...

" Emotional art expresses not only the inner malaise, but also the absolute happiness of the loss of the artist's "self" "

Reason for art...

Committed art (which denounces) can be perceived as a constant struggle, sometimes without immediate effect, which can lead to a form of frustration. In addition, a large part of the population knows the injustices, but comfort or despair prevent them from acting.

Spiritual or universal art, on the other hand, has the power to open inner doors, to sow seeds of personal transformation that, in the long term, can have collective repercussions. Furthermore, if this art form were more integrated into education, public policies and daily life, it could be a powerful lever to guide humanity towards a more conscious and spiritual reality. This brings together the opposing forces of the poorest, who often embody the wisdom of the heart, with the more powerful elites, often accused of insensitivity. Uniting these polarities could become a bridge towards a more conscious humanity aligned with universal values. This would require a systemic change so that art is no longer simply a tool for entertainment or prestige, but a true vector of consciousness. However, this would require a collective will and a valorization of art as a tool for social and personal transformation.

La vie est une guerre. Et si vous ne me croyez pas, regardez en vous… Des millions de micro-organismes luttent chaque jour contre notre corps. Aussi pacifique qu’un arbre ou une plante puisse paraître, si l’on place une orange à côté d’une fraise, le processus de pourriture s’accélère par dix. La bataille continue. Tout comme chez les êtres humains. D’ailleurs, nous avons gagné la guerre : aujourd'hui, il ne reste presque plus d’insectes en Europe. Nous menons la guerre de la même manière qu’un micro-organisme dans notre corps, sans neurones. Pourrions-nous alors être plus intelligent qu'un microbe? C'est-à-dire qu'il y a une grande différence entre intelligence et survie. La méditation profonde, la spiritualité et la sagesse sont les premiers pas vers le véritable développement de l’intelligence. Avoir un QI de 180 et finir millionnaire dans un château luxueux, ce n’est que de la survie. L'intelligence n'est ni génétique ni innée, elle se développe. Elle est donc en chacun de nous. Si nous le voulions…

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